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Democratism… Mayors and Representatives, Governors and Senators – What for?

NB. The USA is used as the prime example of the republic which most needs democratization as its Partisanism’, partisanship destroys it and drags the Free World down with it. ‘Democratism’ changes ‘Partisanism’ into Patriotism”.

So, mayors and representatives, governors and senators – what for?

That was when representation needed to be doubly present in the municipalities and states as well as in the national capital due to the eternal distances that had to be crossed and communications were manual and subject to those same distances.

No Longer!

Now Mayors can be Representatives at the same time and Governors can be Senators at the same time.

Now distances can be measures in minutes and communications are electronically made at the speed of light.

The corona virus pandemic propelled humanity onto the era of administration at distance whereby mayors can simultaneously be representatives and governors can simultaneously be senators.

By having mayors and governors administering the federations, and at the same time governing the nation from congress as representatives and senators respectively a transcendental re-democratizing, simplifying, perfecting and cost reducing of the republican government system is thoroughly achieved, and private financing can be got rid of!

Government by Those Who are Governing Throughout the Land (or Democratism, to coin a term for it), achieving what the Founding Fathers wanted but were unable to implement due to the conditions of their age.

Democratism allows republican government, long badly in need of reforming, to be taken to its next evolutionary stage whereby it becomes understandable by all the people and as close as it can be between the people and their governing, as well as made truly and naturally federal!

Democratism Options, which could also be stages for its implementation in its most evolved form as given under Option C.

Option A

That everything remain the same except that mayors and governors, while being such, take the place of today’s representatives and senators.

The two parties remain but with their members being made up of either Republican or Democratic mayors or governors.

The House and Senate remain the same except that party mayors and governors replace representatives and senators respectively.

All the governors as senators and three (3) mayors per state elected by all the mayors of the state as representatives.

One mayor from small, one mayor from medium, and one mayor from large municipalities.

Obviously there could be more mayors as representatives but the larger a congress becomes the less effective it becomes!

Option B

Following on from the two parties being made up of mayors and senators that they sit on two benches as Republicans and Democrats but in a Parliamentary style, one governing and the other exercising continuous opposition and guidance.

Hence there would be direct continual debate and exchange.

As many as can be sustained reelections are possible,

Elections can be called for if the governing bench fails to be supported sufficiently in congress to govern…

And the presidential period could be raised to 8 years.

Option C

The Full Democratism Proposal: Mayors and governors act as such and simultaneously as representatives and senators, being called Mayor Representatives and Governor Senators of congress.

Blocks, known as Democratic Anchors (just one of whose advantages would be to improve ethnic representation), of communities, settlements, villages, small towns, boroughs, parishes, districts and neighborhoods of large towns and cities, elect their own Municipal “Councilors” and State “Deputies” to make up the Municipal “Councils” and State “Committees”… Public elestion1 of 3.

Municipal Councils elect two of their members as candidates for mayor and State Committees elect two of their members as candidates for governor.

The whole populace of the municipalities and states simultaneously elect their mayors and senators between the two candidates respectively elected by the Municipal Councils or State Committees… Public election 2 of 3.

Congress conformed of Mayor Representatives, three (3) per state elected by all the mayors of the state, and all the state governors as Governor Senators, on separate benches in a single chamber of government and opposition, three (3) mayor votes for regional legislation and three (3) mayor votes equivalent to one governor vote for national legislation, with Supreme Court constitutional approval of congressional legislation and the President publically elected between one candidate from the Mayor Representative bench and one candidate from the Governor Senator bench… Public election 3 of 3, with all proposals of legislation which merit it referred to the Democratic Anchors.

Congress, then, would be made up of 153 Mayor Representatives and 51 Governor Senators for a total of 204 congressional members.

For State Federal Affairs a board chaired by the Governor Senator, with any number of Mayor Representatives and mayors.

Municipalities, states and the nation finance unified campaigns with the savings achieve by Democratism for their only being 3 public ascending, elections and the cost of congress largely covered by municipalities and states, congress being made up of mayors and senators.

Republicanism Isn’t Working… The American people don’t understand how their governing works, and that is undemocratic, and…

The Parties have become more Partisan than Patriotic!

French republicanism is close to absurd for being so fractured between the extreme left, left, center, right and extreme right that it cannot work properly for its people as whole.

The governments of Latin American republican democracies are in the hands of populist individuals and democracy gets shakier and shakier, tending to extinction and absolutism.

British parliamentarianism isn’t working either when it changes prime ministers every few months.

Politicians have taken democracy to unnecessary and confusing extremes of refinement and complexity, increasing their own sphere of activity, personal benefit and hubris, but greatly reducing the effectiveness of democracy.

Democratism consolidates, unifies and always renews republican government.

Democratism establishes the balance between the People and Politicians.

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