First installment of a three week series
Caption: Not only is there no chance that humanity will unite to save itself for the first time as an entire species, but that humanity is more radically and belligerently divided than ever before at the very moment it most needs to be united… divided, very much exactly, between the two great opposing forces of democracy and autocracy. Which of the two would best guarantee the survival of the human species, or would capitalism be the surer alternative as the only force common to man, upon which man depends and which depends upon man?
Creation was designed to allow for the rise of a supreme, supernatural being of divine nature able to appreciate the creation it was created in.
That supreme, supernatural being is humankind.
And according to creation, according to the quasi-infinite remoteness of the occurrence of the ideal habitat for humankind, not only did Planet Earth give rise to humankind but allows humankind to have anything it wants, to have had everything it wants, and to go on having anything it wants.
However, whereas nature has always asked of all life it has given rise to the question… “Can you survive your circumstances and adapt to changes in those circumstances?” Creation now goes beyond nature and asks of its supreme, supernatural creation the question… “Can humankind survive being given all it wants?”
And right now humankind is at the very moment, if indeed that moment has not passed, of proving whether it can survive having been given all it wants, indeed, and this is the greater question… “Can humankind survive against itself?”
Only a superior, supernatural being of divine nature is able to ask that question of itself.
And the question which that one gives rise to, is…
“Will humankind come together or be brought together in order to save itself”?
And the question that one gives rise to, is…
“Is democracy or autocracy the way forward for humankind?”
Because, unless humankind comes to together and works together to save itself and find its fulfilment, then either humankind will suffer a huge reversal, or will practically have to start again, or will disappear.
Humankind is a species of many subspecies by races and yet again a species of many subspecies by nations, by countries, often grouping many of its subspecies by races.
The subspecies by races of humankind all have different natures, not only do they naturally have different natures according to their evolution, but they have different natures according to the way they have been governed, and are genetically influenced, are genetically conditioned, by the way they have been governed, and they have been governed according to the way their natures either naturally demanded they be governed or naturally allowed themselves to be governed, either preferred to tell their governments what to do or have their governments tell them what to do, to finally have come to be governed democratically or to be governed autocratically.
The most progressive human subspecies by nations, by countries, are free ones, are representative democratic ones, most advanced in every way, but there are many democratic nations that barely hang on to their liberties and democracies.
Many autocratic nations make a big show of being absolute democracy and have huge representative bodies with members from all over the country, but all are subject to the absolute power of the autocrat.
However, democratic government seems to be going through a crisis all over the world and has become very ineffectual and, thereby, weak, and, therefore, not very much trusted by its electorates.
Republicanism isn’t working. It isn’t working in the most powerful and richest democratic country, the US, in fact, that is where it is has become most degenerate among the most highly developed countries, but nor is it working in France, and even parliamentarianism, which is a more trustworthy form of democracy than republicanism, is very flimsy in Britain, and then you have the poor democratic countries which are little more than a shambles politically, and economically, all tending to absolutism.
Democratic government has become decadent, uninspiring or populist… or all three!
And because of that there are no great democratic leaders. Where are the Disraelis and Gladstones, where the Lincolns and Theodor Roosevelts, where the Kennedys and Thatchers? And wouldn’t the free world feel surer of itself right now if Regan was still in power? Whereas there are great and terrible autocratic leaders of great countries, whether we like it or not.
NB: Here in the Last Great Gentleman Thinker there is a piece dealing with failed republicanism and offering a way forward for it. The piece is called Democratism - Republicanism Evolved. Do check it out.
So while democracy isn’t working, China has discovered that it works very effectively as a communist capitalistic nation. A gross contradiction in terms, but very effectively pulled-off by China.
It can’t be denied that China’s socio-political model is very effective in every way and through its socio-political model China seems to be able to achieve anything it sets its mind to.
Let’s look back a bit… England during the industrial revolution, and the US during its gilded age, attained heights of industrial prosperity highly relatable to what China has achieved since 1991 (only 21 years ago - can you believe it?) and they are relatable with this difference: That in England and in the US during their periods of great industrial prowess there was practically no state intervention in their activities.
I don’t need to go into the extent of how much that has changed, perhaps, possibly, maybe for the benefit of the average citizen, but politics and taxes, without doubt, tamp down and corrupt creation of wealth and politics, tamp down enterprise, because they limit enterprise itself, whereas China, by means of the state telling enterprise what to do, has managed to reach heights of industrial developments in record time.
China’s great development has been entirely due to China’s state management of its economic progress, but, and it is a big but, with no politics getting in the way, just by means of the compulsory policies of its single structured state.
So, the developed western world is free in its economic activities as far as politics now allows it to be, and China is not free at all in its economic activities, yet, through the state management of its people, China has arrived at the same level of economic development as its western counterparts, and, even if China’s standard of living is still considerably less than its advanced western counterparts, China has been developing for a fraction of the time (21 years!) its western counterparts have been (upwards of 400 years), and is not bogged down by politics in its state guiding it on to ever greater general prosperity.
Humanity is living in a world where galloping environmental warming is underway, and every year proves how that warming is galloping faster and faster, already with devastating effects, but with expected effects that make the continuation of the survival of the species as it lives today almost a certain impossibility.
The coming environmental upheaval will leave the poor world unable to feed itself, which world still includes all the autocratic countries, and the rich world, wholly comprised of democratic countries, may be able to sustain a part of their populations because they are so highly developed in food production, how much of their populations depending on the extent they further intensify food production.
And, there will be, already is, intense competition between the powerful countries, particularly between the powerful countries of the democratic and autocratic worlds, for possession of the rest of the world that will remain serviceable or has desirable recourses, and further, to think that, facing such a daunting and imminent prospect as global warming, all the powerful countries, democratic and autocratic, are in such denial that they are vying for the moon as a long term prospect… What long term?
Humanity is at the threshold of the beginning of what could well be a mass extinction, and, really, no one believes it… I don’t believe it, I know, not really.
But, not only is humanity not united to confront and overcome the occurrence of that mass extinction as far it would be able to do so if it applied itself right now exclusively to that task as a united species, but the reality is that humanity is more divided, and more dangerously divided, and more dangerously divided at very close range now, at the very crux of its greatest survival challenge than it ever has been before.
So, not only is there no chance that humanity will unite to save itself for the first time as an entire species, but that humanity is more radically and belligerently divided than ever before at the very moment it most needs to be united… divided, very much exactly, between the two great opposing forces of democracy and autocracy.
The grave coming global warming crisis, coincidentally coupled with such a radically divided humanity, serves perfectly to illustrate and highlight the relevance and interest of the question… Which of the two forces of democracy or autocracy would best guarantee the survival of humanity if one were to come to dominate the species?
China will forgive me, I’m sure, if I relate its ability to function with such unbelievable efficiency and effectiveness to species like the ant or the wasp or the bee, and I only relate China to such species in the most complimentary and respectful way because of their amazing functionality and productivity.
All those species mentioned act in the same way according to social structures and the hierarchies of those social structure, which are predetermined and fixed.
They are highly successful species, each member having a role to play which is predetermined and, seemingly, the whole is ruled by its queen member, although actually ruled by chemistry, however, ruled in a very similar way that China is ruled through its autocratic head of state who rules its socio-political structure.
The weakness in that for China lies in the uncertainty of the better or worse ability to rule of its equivalent to its queen member, or head of state, which is nigh to being for life, so an ineffective queen, or head of state, could keep the country down for too long, and leaves China open to lack of adaptability, which, as we all know, is the main deterrent to evolution, and without evolution there is only devolution and extinction.
The democratic system does allow periodically for there always to be hope of arriving at a better equivalent of queen or head of state, but is very much open to instability, uncertainty, mediocrity and indecision, because the queen, or head of state, can only exercise limited authority and is given its ruling right by the people, who are never sufficiently knowledgeable as to what really needs to be done in their best interests and are overly influenced by their emotions, and therefore easily misled by those they chose to govern them, or just badly governed.
Now, look how apt the question democracy versus autocracy for the survival of the species is at this very moment in the existence of that human being creation gave rise to as its supreme, supernatural creation in order to arrive at its own definite fulfilment.
Imagine a scale, just like the Statue of Liberty, but the lady of the scale is no longer the lady of liberty or justice but the lady of survival, and on one of the scales sits the greatest and most powerful democracy, and on the other scale sits the most powerful autocracy, and, in every way, they are very evenly balanced, as is the real and present case of the US and China.
Let’s rule out right away the extinction of the species through nuclear holocaust for being no case at all for the survival of the species, although some life would continue, allowing for the possibility of another supreme, supernatural being of divine nature to eventually emerge.
What is realistically in the balance of survival is the future of humankind, or that being meant to fulfil creation – no less!
And creation leaves the survival of that species up to that species, for creation will not intervene, but, if that species cannot survive against itself, then that species proved not worthy of being the ultimate creation of creation, and creation will cause another species to emerge to take its place, most likely again here on Planet Earth – for where else?
This gentleman thinker’s Supernatural Law of Probability states…
The Supernatural Law of Probability: “As of the beginning, to the extent that the probability of something becomes more remote, so it becomes not only more unique, but more inevitable, until, when its probability becomes infinitely remote, it becomes not only absolutely unique and inevitable, but eternal, in the manner of our conception of God, and His being before the beginning and beyond the end”.
So, if our one and only God is an absolute certainty, the probability within the quasi-infinite possibilities of the universe of their being planets capable of giving rise to beings as supernatural and divine as ourselves, and that those beings actually arose on those planets, become the closest certainties to the certainty of God, which makes the existence in creation of our Planet Earth and of humanity not only unique but inevitable, and, whereas there may be planets capable of giving rise to intelligent beings, the probability of a brain such as that of humankind, a brain of infinite intelligence, is certainly only second to the certainty of God Himself, and second only to God in being unique and inevitable.
Human beings acquired their supernatural intelligence from one moment to the next a very short time ago and how that happened must be one of the greatest mysteries of all.
N.B: This gentleman thinker conceived a very interesting and plausible explanation of how mankind suddenly became supernaturally intelligent by acquiring permanently the nature and ever expanding intelligence of the child, which is the subject of his piece, available here on The Last Great Gentleman Thinker, Homo Infans – “Explains the Origin of the Nature and Intelligence of Man”… Establishes the “Personality Link” and thereby the “Missing Link” itself!
How could you, of infinite intelligence, not want to know?